Dynamic Sound Design of Algae Connecting Ecological Waters and Citizens
In nature, algae are very sensitive to changes in water quality and cover almost all waters on the earth. They detect the degree of water pollution by listening to the “sound” made by aquatic plants.
This project attempts to establish a device application that can ingest sound from nature, expand people’s sensory auditory perception of nature, detect changes in the quality of wild water sources through algae, and use industrial standard water purity sensors placed in urban rivers, lakes and oceans. The real-time readings obtained reflect the constant changes in water quality according to the sound waves reflected by the algae, and obtain the health status of natural ecological waters. The ever-changing microphonic soundscape endows the algae installation with different strengths of bubble music, enhancing the intimacy between citizens and nature, and expressing the interdependent relationship between humans and creatures interacting in ecology in a form of silent connection with nature.


a graduation project by
黄湘琪 HUANG Xiangqi
A Cactus wandering the design desert, a practical idealist, a protagonist of my own.