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Have you ever thought that you are being sensed by other creatures?

TU Keming 屠柯鸣 WANG Zichun 王子淳 GUO Siyu 郭思宇

As human beings, we live in cities and usually accept the surrounding information from the perspective of observers, while ignoring the fact that in addition to human beings, there are many other creatures living in modern cities, and they can also observe human beings, while we often unaware of their existence.

Hidden Observes simulates the visual forms of seven urban creatures through installations, allowing viewers to observe themselves from the perspective of biology, and detached from the perspective of humans, so as to make viewers realize that other creatures also exist on an equal footing with us.

In this way, viewers can become more aware of and pay attention to the existence of other creatures in nature when returning to daily life, which will be the first step for them to establish an ecological outlook.


Different birds have different field of vision, and most birds have a wider field of vision than humans. Birds have more color vision than humans and can see colors that humans cannot. Birds have four types of cones that are sensitive to ultraviolet light in addition to red, blue and green.


Insects are almost everywhere, they live on tree branches, grass etc. Their compound eye is a sensory organ composed of a variable number of ommatidia. It mainly appears on arthropods such as insects and crustaceans. The oculi in compound eyes are generally hexagonal in shape.

*branch residents

Squirrel has excellent wide-angle vision, allowing it to clearly see what’s next to it and above it without moving head. Squirrels are also sensitive to blue and green wavelengths, but cannot distinguish red. Color difference similar to red-green color blindness in humans


Fish and other aquatic animals live in different light environments than land animals. Water absorbs and reflects light, so things underwater appear blue. Since the refractive index of water is greater than that of air, when looking upwards in water, the image of the entire space will be distorted and compressed into a cone with a half top angle of about 48°. That is to say, if you look up underwater, the scenery at the bottom of the water is outside a circle; all the scenery on the water surface are compressed in a circle.

*underground residents

There are also many creatures living under the soil, but due to living in the dark for a long time, their vision has deteriorated and their vision is very blurred. But their other senses like smell, hearing, touch are also enhanced

*crack residents

Some unexpected creatures, such as raccoon dogs, also live in the city, they live in the crevices of rocks. Dogs have two types of cones that pick up blueviolet and yellow shades.They don’t see red or green and they see everything in shades of blue and yellow.

*sewer residents

Insects are almost everywhere, such as cockroaches, they live in sewers too.

Making process

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